Why do some people eat so much, but don’t get fat, while many others just eat a little, but put on more weight? They find it hard to lose the weight, and even when they do lose weight, the kilograms come straight back. If you are thinking that this is normal, you should investigate Sleeve Gastrectomy!
The medical procedure that helps the overweight patients to become normal weight is surgery. However, not every overweight patient can get the surgery as the doctor will evaluate the need to get the surgery by using BMI as the main criterion. The normal BMI is 18.5-24.9, while the people who have a BMI above 30 are overweight, the people with a BMI above 35 are severely overweight and the people with BMI above 40 are obese. People with a BMI above 35 are recommended to have surgery as the research reports that diet, exercise and medicine do not affect this group of people in the long term. The only available option which can help them lose the weigh permanently is surgery. This surgery can also help in obesity-related conditions and high blood pressure.
Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery is similar to Gastric Banding. Sleeve Gastrectomy leaves some of stomach by removing the lower part of the stomach, leaving a tubular pouch that resembles a banana, instead of placing silicone bands. When the patients have a smaller stomach, they will eat less. For patients who are concerned about the long-term nutrition, or red blood cell deficiency which results in pallor if they don’t take vitamin supplements or bone calcium deficiency if they have Gastric Bypass Surgery, then Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery is the good choice for them. The doctor will consider patients who have a BMI above 35-40 with complicated health issues to be eligible for the surgery.